Thursday, March 27, 2008

I'm a Fancy Schmancy Pants

Well, I'm not really a fancy schmancy pants. But I did get a promotion a few weeks ago. I used to be a Phone Monkey, Level II. But now I'm a Senior Phone Monkey. I was very surprised when they offered me the job. I'm in the sales department for a financial services company, and was shocked that they would even consider me. I was given the choice to stay and take inbound calls, or could go to outbound. I chose the latter because I only have to work one Saturday a month, and I am off every Friday and Sunday. (Can we say THREE DAY WEEKEND, boys and girls?)

Anyway, that's really all I have to say right now. I don't have kids to write about, so maybe I'll buy myself a pet Lemur and dress it up or something.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Lolling around between services and trying to work off Sunday's post-church feast, Angie and I thought it would be pretty spiffy to get ourselves a Tammy 'do. Actually, we ended up being coerced by Timmy and Ashley, bona fide members of the Hair Style Mafia. They must have been bored that afternoon.
Angie and Tammy both have an abundance of hair. So much so, that with one flippant toss of their loose locks, they could swith the light on in the next room without getting up from their chair. The kids thought it would be fun to do our hair. Consequently, they ended up with generous, Grecian-like hairstyles. My bun-well I guess it's like comparing a crusty, burnt-up fish stick next to Moby Dick. You get the idea.
Anyway, we took some pictures to commemorate the day. I'm on the ham on the left
Angie and Tammy are the hams next to me