Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Land Before Time (the 80's)

A few weeks ago, my mom told me that someone named Chrsity called her house asking for me. As soon as she started reading the area code "503" back to me, I knew that it was non other than my imfamous partner in slumber party-dom, Christy Southard (now Christy Leigh). We would go to each others' house and stay up all hours playing UNO, gossiping, and eating. Sometimes we would take walks in the dark to what used to be Christown Mall. Considering we lived off of Indian School and 7th Street, it was a good thing we weren't killed or molested-especially in that neighborhood! I remember the fashion trends back then: stirrup pants, pegged jeans, and bobbed hair. I remember my favorie songs: "Be Near Me" by ABC, and anything New Wave. My crush at the time: Jason Taylor. I remember wearing white pumps and a red plaid skirt to school and feeling oh-so-grown up.

Christy and I had totally different tastes and goals, but somehow we ended up staying friends until she moved back to Oregon in the 8th grade. Anyway, she mentioned that she lost her pictures when they were destroyed in storage. I don't have a scanner, so I took some pics out of my scrapbook and will post them here.
Thank you Christy for making the effort to come into contact with me!

Sunday, October 19, 2008


This is one of the best times of the year! I realize it is trite to write about the weather, but for us Phoenicians, this is a very big deal. Soon I will be able to check the mail without needing to bring a canteen and 790 UV sun screen. No more touching my car keys and accidentally peeling off a top layer of skin. That's right-fall is on the way. Even if it is a bit relucant. Summer seems to go on and on and on and on here. Kinda reminds me of an annoying neighbor that won't get off your couch and sprawls all over your lucky teddy bear. Needless, to say I have been anticpating this for weeks. Even though it's still in the 90s, I stubbornly ordered myself a hot chocolate the other night at Starbucks. So what if I'm still crankin' the a/c at home.