Tuesday, June 17, 2008

5 Mosiquito Bites and 2 batches of Homemade Donuts

I just got back from Texas Camp, and I had a blast. Sure, the humidity made my hair frizz out larger than a cowboy's belt buckle. And sure, the United Nations of insects converging around the dorms was speaking in tongues at night. Besides that, I am so glad I went. God really helped me gain so much ground. It is worth the sleep deprivation and flu germs I'm fighting off (sorry in retrospect for anyone I breathed on). We are so lucky to live in a country where we can go and freely seek to touch God's face. And we are so lucky that we know a God who wants us to do that. Pulling off the campgrounds yesterday was a little bit like leaving the womb. Ah, the reality dust is starting to settle in around me today. Anyway, I am glad I got to see a lot of the people. I can't think of anyone who beats the love and warmth of the Holiness Peeps!

1 comment:

Sheila Kay said...

I was glad I got to see you! I wished I could have went for all of it and that I wasn't sooooo tired, but that's the way it was! I did get to go! I hate to say good-bye to all the wonderful people there, because it seems so final! If you know what I mean. Face it - I never know if I'm going to see my friends the next year or not. (You know what I mean?) My boys were really disappointed that Dan and Tammy's, Travis and Donna's kids weren't there. Of course we tease Dathan about ANG (that is what he called her last year and he even named his beagle after her HAHA). Well I am rambling, but it was good to visit with ya for the short time and I'll be looking forward to visiting with ya next year if not sooner! See ya and I'm praying for you! Sheila