Summer is my least favorite time of the year. And around here, summer lasts, oh...about 350 days on a non leap year. For those of you who perkily chirp that the weather is only unbearable for about three months of the year, I suppose I would agree with you...if it were possible to walk around with a frozen Lean Cusine perpetuallly duct taped to my back, and if all necessary activities could be facilitaed from the comfort of my bathtub. Since that is not the case, I will continue to count down the days to when I will be able to touch my steering wheel without the aid of an astronaut suit.
Ok. I will quit carping about the weather now, and at least try to focus on some of the sunny (no pun intended) highlights.
A couple of months ago, Angie was given the golden key to Bryan and Julianna's castle while they traipsed about in Florida. One night as I stopped by for something she was house sitting for Snoozy), she had the fab-u-luss idea of taking a little dunk in their hot tub. We grabbed our ostrich feather slippers and palm frond waivers, and headed over in the BMW. Well, more like we grabbed borrowed towels and her camera and went. Here are some pics (BTW, in that middle pic, we are kissing the their rubber ducky. It's kinda hard to see):
Also been busy doing a lot of camp-ing. I went to Texas, Ca, and Whiteside. I was so tired from all of the traveling, that I had a dream the other day that I had to go to Europe every other weekend or so. In my dream, I was so exhausted and was telling someone something along the lines of "Ugh. I have to go to France AGAIN." It was pretty funny. It was reflecting how worn I felt from balancing a stressful job with repeated jaunts away in my flying purple suitcase. Anyway, here are some more pics from Ca Camp:
Here Travis ponders if anyone will notice that he dumped the uneaten leftovers from people's plates back into the pot.
It would be redundant to say how cute the kiddos were. But then I guess I just did :)
And finally, today I took my mom out for a very belated birthday. We had Olive Garden, and tooled around doing what we do best: shopping!
My mom drew the tiger picture, and I am so proud of her talent. Meow-Moo, her kitty, is a little more sceptical.
And that's all for now...