Well, the inevitable finally happened. Yesterday the Williams herd and assorted helpers pulled out of their driveway for the last time. I knew this was coming, but who wants to dwell there? It's like staring into the sun or thinking about the Apocolypse. Before I get too morose, I can say that I am so grateful for the time I had with them. I'm including some pics that Janet took before they left.
haha... a little 'shout out' for me :) Taking these pics was so much fun! I'm so glad we were able to make more memories. We had a great time- for sure. :) Glad you were there!!!
Those pics are great! Very Sweet! I know this has to be a very difficult time for you and everyone else out there! I'm praying for you! God has a perfect plan!
Hey girl,
ya things sure have been a lil sad eh?? Ah we will be ok..lol.. So ya a starbucks run would be great when are you free??? I would love to scrapbook one more time before we leave :) Talk to ya soon!
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