Since the afternoon ended in a blah, mopey, heap of beige-ness, I will post some pics that harken to a happier time. I won't go into too many details as to my day, just that it involved a guy at work who semi-called me out in front of several other coworkers just because I wasn't writhing around the floor in paroxysms of laughter at his potty mouth anecdote. Never mind that most of his jokes are so corny, I couldn't muster a note of courtesy laughter if I took a Rubbermaid spatula and scraped it down to the bottom of my heart.
*ahem* Now onto the happy stuff.
A few weeks ago, some of us met up at Cheescake Factory under the auspice of girly bonding. In reality, that just meant we hogged out on sugar. Not that it would affect Julianna. We're talking about someone who gets weighed at the doctor's office on a produce scale.
I was very good. I ordered a grilled veggie sandwich. um. and a slice of cheescake as big as a mattress. with a coke.
Here are the pics:

Getting to know her cheescake very well...