Saturday, December 20, 2008
I'm getting a tattoo!
Actually, I have decided to compile a list of some of things I'm grateful for, and I was just trying to cleverly manipulate you into reading it instead of clicking on someone else's blog. I'm feeling misty eyed and sentimental enough to get my own series on the Lifetime Channel right now, and felt the need to spread some of that Hallmark-y emotion.
Actually, the truth is that this list is a way to cleverly conceal the absolute lack of anything interesting going on in my life under the auspice of ebuilliant nobility. Nonetheless, here is my list in no particular order:
1) Cake for breakast. Chocolate frosting. Yum yum!
2) Paid vacation days
3) Freedom to go to church and say grace over my tater tots in public. Not that I eat tater tots in church. I meant at the place were the tater tots are served.
4) Starbucks
5) Sleeping in
6) English accents
7) Mute buttons (I work in a call center, so you can imagine what joy that can bring. Too bad they don't have mute buttons for people)
8) Furry socks
9) Furry cats
10) Not having a furry back
And the list goes on, but not here. I'm not that narcissistic. Now go read someone else's blog who has a life.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Preachers' Convention 2008
1) Good bonding time in the car with Snoozy, Steve, and Brenda
2) Ate some of Gareth's fried turkey
3) Got hit on in the desert by a complete stranger (story to follow)
4) Was complimented on my pouf
5) Learned that Pastor Steve has a bladder the size of a Hello Kitty change purse
6) Lotsa home cooking
We arrived in the dark am hours of Thanksgiving, and I was so grateful to collapse onto a made bed (thanks Donna). Of course the main reason to go to any kind of camp is to draw closer to the Lord. Which I pulled for. I learned something very important on the last day of what Jesus wants from me. I'm so glad for the encouragement of my God.
All seriousness aside, it was a total food fest over there. Some people didn't end up coming, and some people got sick,which meant there was a lot of extra eats. It was like being suspended in a perpetual buffet at Luby's. There was so much leftover that we made a new foyer and preaching lecturn out of the stuffing remnants. On the bad side, I did succumb for one day to a flu bug (Bubonic Plague Jr) I was grateful that the Lord touched me fairly quickly.
And now for the aforementioned story: Sonya and I decided to take her 47 hyper dogs on walk in the desert. We were trotting along the sandy path, when a white car pulled up to us. Below is a rough recap of what was discussed. I'm going to include the literal conversation in regular type. In italics, I'm going to include the unspoken subtext of what was thought, but not spoken.
Driver: "You guys Holiness?"
Sonya: "Yeah, we're staying at the campgrounds up the street."
Driver: (leering through a sinewy curly que of cigarette smoke) "Great! Me too! I only smoke filtered" In the background, a miniature Doberman barks.
Driver: "That's my dog. She's in heat and so am I"
Sonya: "We have service at 7:30 if you want to come "
Driver: " Yeah, I'll think about it. are there single people at this church? My name's Sam. What's your's?" (brief introductions made)
Sam: (leering at Sonya) "So, are you single?" (leering at Roseanna) "Are you single?"
Sam: "I'm single, too. Me man, you wo-man and standing upright make good couple. ooga."
At this point, Sonya and Roseanna look woefully down at Sonya's tiny dogs, wishing they would temporarily turn into snarling German Shepards in case Sam the Single Person tries anything. Suddenly, the dog jumps out of the backseat,
Sam: "Don't worry about her, she doesn't bite. not that I really know. I just borrowed her from my neighbor to pick up chicks"
Doberman: "Arf arf! run, Forest, run!!!"
Sam: "I'm thinking about either getting a car, because that's a more believable way of making you think that I have money than telling you I own France, or going to Hawaii ...Hmmm. I hear there are single people in Hawaii. (Leering at Roseanna) what's your name again?"
Roseanna: "the itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout..."
Sam: "God bless you! should I get chunky or smooth peanut butter when I go to the store next time? "
When we got back to camp, we shared our story with the peeps back at camp. As Sonya pointed out, this clearly shows that we are still got it-after all, here we were in the middle of nowhere, and we still got hit on! Ron had fun with us and made a litte poster out of one of Thanksgiving decorations we had up in the dining room. Sonya and I decided to have our picture taken with it:
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Slumming With the Rich People
Anyway, I rudely invited myself along to their excursion because I was dying for some girly girl time. And they are the girly girliest of them all. We had a lot of fun gushing over the minature serving tongs at Crate and Barrell and eating overpriced soup at Paradise Bakery. I'm just glad that we live in a civilized country where one can rush out and buy a snowflake shaped pancake maker if necessary. Or an ice cube tray that spells out the entire Greek and Hebrew alphabet. It was very nice of them to let me tag along. Though the average sweater cost the same as a lung transplant, I still had a lot of fun with them. Plus, I got the last laugh when I sneaked past security wearing shoes that didn't match my purse.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Cooking with Roseanna and other FEMA Disasters
Is this supposed to look like burned transmission fluid?
I gamely stirred on, hoping for a pre Christmas miracle. I threw in some more salt and pepper, added some more tomatoes. But still my pathetic creation still came out tasting like a bland cross between heated up Play Doh and Gerber's pureed something. The worst part of the whole ordeal is the whompin' mess I made in my kitchen. If one were to walk in, it would be easy to assume that I have been laboring away on a four course meal for Martha Stewart. There are pans and cans and dirty cutting boards piled up self-importantly on my counter implying something much tastier than my lame-o soup. I just had to blog this because if you can't laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at? Especially if that laughing puts off cleaning up your dirty kitchen.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
No Purse in Store for Me
A purse is a very sensitive issue. It has to be just so. It can't be too small, or too frumpy, or too weird-shaped. My purse is where I keep the important things: bobby pins and crumpled receipts from 8 months ago. For several months I also lugged around a Starbucks gift card that had like two and a half cents on it, but presenting to the cashier would have been like trying to pay for my cinammon dulce latte with a peso. My friend Sandy has a total mom purse. On the outside it looks trendy enough, but one glimpse of the cavernous inside reveals what is really held in its depths: keys, wallet, medicine, water bottle, collapsable staircase, several parchment scrolls from the Greek revival, magic flying slippers, etc.
So anyway, I suppose I am stuck for now with my little black Liz Claiborne number that I bought at Ross. I guess it could be worse. I've stocked up on shoes, because now I hear that puce is making a comeback...
Friday, November 7, 2008
Now For Something Encouraging:
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Election Day is Almost Here (Unfortunately)
Sunday afternoon at Suzy's house, Janet and I fevershily researched our way through the devisive issues. Armed with highlighters, intrepid fact finding skills, and peanut M&Ms, we marched through the information to get the answers. Suzy was there too, but as evidenced by the pictures below, she decided to take a more passive approach:
Thursday, October 30, 2008
The Land Before Time (the 80's)
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
Avast Ye Matey!!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Goodbye Dan and Tammy

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
5 Mosiquito Bites and 2 batches of Homemade Donuts
Monday, May 26, 2008
Tea Girls Gone Wild
Thursday, March 27, 2008
I'm a Fancy Schmancy Pants
Anyway, that's really all I have to say right now. I don't have kids to write about, so maybe I'll buy myself a pet Lemur and dress it up or something.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Angie and Tammy both have an abundance of hair. So much so, that with one flippant toss of their loose locks, they could swith the light on in the next room without getting up from their chair. The kids thought it would be fun to do our hair. Consequently, they ended up with generous, Grecian-like hairstyles. My bun-well I guess it's like comparing a crusty, burnt-up fish stick next to Moby Dick. You get the idea.
Anyway, we took some pictures to commemorate the day. I'm on the ham on the left
Angie and Tammy are the hams next to me