Saturday, December 20, 2008

I'm getting a tattoo!

Ha ha! Made you look!

Actually, I have decided to compile a list of some of things I'm grateful for, and I was just trying to cleverly manipulate you into reading it instead of clicking on someone else's blog. I'm feeling misty eyed and sentimental enough to get my own series on the Lifetime Channel right now, and felt the need to spread some of that Hallmark-y emotion.
Actually, the truth is that this list is a way to cleverly conceal the absolute lack of anything interesting going on in my life under the auspice of ebuilliant nobility. Nonetheless, here is my list in no particular order:

1) Cake for breakast. Chocolate frosting. Yum yum!
2) Paid vacation days
3) Freedom to go to church and say grace over my tater tots in public. Not that I eat tater tots in church. I meant at the place were the tater tots are served.
4) Starbucks
5) Sleeping in
6) English accents
7) Mute buttons (I work in a call center, so you can imagine what joy that can bring. Too bad they don't have mute buttons for people)
8) Furry socks
9) Furry cats
10) Not having a furry back

And the list goes on, but not here. I'm not that narcissistic. Now go read someone else's blog who has a life.


Serving Jesus in the valley of the sun said...

GIRL... LOL DO YOU GET OUT MUCH??? uMM STARBUCKS?? merry christmas!!!!

Anonymous said...

I too wish people had mute buttons, especially today after hitting the after Christmas sales.
Everything else was very furry, I mean funny.